During times of uncertainty and a national pandemic Oak Creek has implemented more protocols and limitations to insure our resident’s wellbeing. Our protocols include physical distancing, visitor limitations, quarantining, cleaning, and encouraging personal safety devices.
Read below to find out more about each of these protocols.
Physical Distancing Practices
As in some spaces at Oak Creeks facility it can be challenging to socially distance 6ft so for activities, we do our best to try and distance our residents and encourage them to wear their masks.
Oak Creek’s Visitor Policy
As of right now we are allowing medical staff only and family visits for compassionate care visits only. All visits have to be scheduled through our executive director, Winona or of Director of Nursing, Melissa.
As the covid numbers decrease we will begin allowing more scheduled family visits which we do on the patio if weather is permitting.
Enhanced Move-In Protocols
All new residents to Oak Creek have to quarantine in their rooms for 14 days.
Enhanced Cleaning Protocols
Surfaces that are touched often are cleaned frequently throughout the day. As well,the drink counter, condiments on the tables, and the table clothes have been removed from the dining room to reduce congestion in the dining room.
Residents Use Personal Safety Devices
Residents are encouraged to wear masks especially when participating in activities or games with other residents.
We appreciate your patience and trust in the Oak Creek nurses and staff. It is a crazy time we are all going through, but we are confident that we will come out stronger. The extra work that has been done at Oak Creek is all to ensure our resident’s health and safety continue to stay top priority.